Actively pursue and complete your apprenticeship phase


  1. Focus on learning and mastering a skill instead of chasing money
    If you’re interested in pursuing a particular career, accept a position at a small firm where you’ll have enough time and opportunities to hone your skills. You can even while maintain a side-hustle to help pay your bills as long as it allows you to master your skills. This is better for your long-term career than working in a large company that pays you a lot more money but doesn’t give you the space to fully hone your craft.

  2. Keep expanding your horizons to overcome any limitations you may have
    If you’re starting at the bottom, use your inferior position to study the people around you and listen to their stories. Stay curious and ask questions to maintain your hunger to learn. Whenever you have free time, read books to expose yourself to a wider range of ideas. As your knowledge increases, ask someone senior to train you. If the opportunity arises, seek a promotion or a better job.

  3. Be patient and trust the learning process as you practice your skill
    Make sure your practice sessions are as intense as possible. Visualize yourself practising the skill perfectly. Trust the process and you’ll improve your skills progressively.

  4. Accept that failure is part of the learning process
    Use your failures to identify any flaws. Examine the gap between what you’re doing and what you want to achieve. Take a closer look at how you’ve organized your way forward. Are you doing everything yourself instead of hiring qualified professionals? If you can’t afford professional help, then take a course to gain whatever accounting or management skills you’re lacking. Keep tweaking your ideas.


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