Become a creative thinker


  1. Eliminate obstacles to creativity.
    Remove beliefs and thoughts such as "This is not practical, feasible, or logical," "I'm not creative," "I have to be serious and practical," "I have to follow the rules without questioning them,” etc. Be honest and write down the thoughts that prevent you from being creative.
  2. Ask the right questions.
    Ask yourself questions that will boost your creativity. Some of these questions include: Why can't I do it another way? Where does this issue originate? Who here has a different viewpoint on the situation? What are the consequences if we choose not to act?
  3. Surround yourself with creative people.
    Identify the creative people around you and dedicate time to meet and engage with them. You may also encourage them to do something creative with you.
  4. Leave your comfort zone.
    Explore new locations, cultures, nations, and traditions, and learn how people differ significantly from how you live and think. Read about new topics regularly.


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