Build a positive social circle


  1. Reflect on the people who energize you and those who drain your energy.
    Make a list of individuals in your personal and professional life who uplift your spirits and those who leave you feeling depleted. Consider how you can spend more time with the energizers and minimize interactions with the drainers. Write them down!
  2. Join or start a group centered on a shared interest.
    Identify a hobby or professional interest you’re passionate about, and join a related group or community. If one doesn’t exist, consider starting one, even if it’s just a virtual meet-up or a forum online. For example, if you're interested in photography, you may join a local photography club or create an online group to share tips and organize photo walks. This can motivate and inspire you to pursue your interests and goals further.
  3. Frame team projects with a collaborative vision.
    At the start of any group project, initiate a discussion to set collective goals and emphasize the value of each team member's contributions. Encourage a spirit where everyone’s success contributes to the team's achievements.
  4. Participate in synchronized activities with others.
    Engage in activities that require synchronization with others, such as team sports, group exercises, or collaborative projects. This can enhance feelings of unity and improve cooperative performance.
  5. Incorporate acts of kindness into your daily routine.
    Make it a goal to perform at least one random act of kindness each day. This could be as simple as complimenting someone, offering assistance without being asked, or sending a motivational text to a friend. This can strengthen your connection with others.
  6. Ask for help when you need it and appreciate the help you receive.
    When you're struggling with something, try to ask for help from others. Acknowledge that asking for help can also make others feel valued and useful. This mutual benefit can enhance relational energy.
  7. Provide constructive feedback with an actionable focus.
    When you need to deliver constructive feedback, do it candidly but with kindness. Focus on how things can be improved rather than on what went wrong. This way, they'll be more encouraged to deliver their best work.


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