Craft your new and improved narrative


  1. Examine your current narrative.
    Consider the story you currently tell about yourself. What are its main themes? Are they more about limitations and past failures or about potential and growth? Reflect on how this narrative has shaped your life decisions and outlook. For example, think about a time when your self-narrative held you back from pursuing an opportunity.
  2. Write down the narrative you wish to cultivate.
    Envision the narrative you desire that aligns with who you want to be and your core values. Write it down in detail. For instance, if you’ve always seen yourself as someone who is not good at public speaking, rewrite this narrative to see yourself as someone who is actively improving and becoming confident in speaking publicly.
  3. Set practical goals aligned with your new story.
    Establish concrete, achievable goals that reflect your new narrative. If your new story involves being a healthier person, set a specific goal like walking 10,000 steps a day or eating three servings of vegetables daily. This makes the abstract idea of a "healthier life" tangible and actionable.
  4. Create affirmations based on your new narrative.
    Develop affirmations that reinforce your new story. Repeat these affirmations daily to start internalizing your new narrative. For example, if your new narrative is about being a resilient person, your affirmation could be, “Every challenge I face makes me stronger and wiser.”
  5. Gather and interpret feedback constructively.
    As you work on living out your new narrative, seek feedback from trusted friends or mentors. Use this feedback to fine-tune your approach rather than as a critique of your identity. For instance, if you are working on becoming more assertive, ask for feedback on how your efforts are perceived and what could be improved.
  6. Adjust your environment to support your new narrative.
    Modify your environment to reinforce your new narrative. Surround yourself with inspirational quotes, books, and people who reflect the narrative you aspire to. If your new narrative is about being innovative and creative, surround your workspace with items that inspire creativity.
  7. Reflect on your progress regularly.
    Set aside time weekly or monthly to reflect on your progress towards embodying your new story. Note successes and areas for improvement. Ask yourself, “What did I do well?” and “What can I do better?”


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