Minimize exposure to distractions


  1. Identify potential distractions before starting a task.
    Before you begin working on a task, think about what typically distracts you. For example, common distractions might include checking your phone, browsing social media, or getting interrupted by family members. Write down these distractions to be aware of them.
  2. Minimize distractions proactively.
    Take steps to eliminate distractions before you start working. For example, shut your door, turn off the phone ringer, close social media apps, and clear your workspace of unnecessary items. By creating a distraction-free environment, you can maintain better focus on your task.
  3. Create implementation intentions to handle distractions.
    Plan ahead for how you will deal with distractions that arise. Use "if-then" statements to prepare yourself. For example, "If I feel the urge to check my phone, then I will remind myself to stay focused and put it away." This helps you stay committed to your task despite interruptions.
  4. Acknowledge your emotional state and push through.
    Recognize the negative emotions you might feel when starting a task, such as frustration or anxiety. Understand that these feelings are temporary and part of the process. Remind yourself, "I can work on this task even if I don't feel like it right now."
  5. Stay committed even when setbacks occur.
    Be prepared for setbacks and obstacles. If something disrupts your workflow, remind yourself of your goal and get back on track. For example, if a friend calls inviting you out, politely decline and focus on your task.


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