Craft your success definition


  1. Identify your personal definition of success based on your values.
    Understanding what you truly value and care about is essential to defining personal success beyond societal expectations. Reflect on what activities bring you joy, satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment. Consider questions like, "What would I pursue even if I wasn't paid for it?" or "What makes me forget about the time when I'm doing it?" This helps establish a foundation that aligns with your intrinsic motivations rather than external rewards. Write it down!
  2. Set specific, measurable goals based on your personal definition of success.
    Once you have a clear understanding of your values, set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). These goals should directly align with your values and definition of success. For example, if one of your values is creativity, a goal might be to complete a creative project like writing a novel or starting a blog within the next year.
  3. Reduce involvement in activities that don't align with your values.
    Take a close look at how you spend your time, particularly in areas where you might be seeking validation or status that doesn’t actually resonate with your personal values. This could involve reevaluating your career choices, social activities, or any competitive pursuits. Ask yourself: "Am I following this path because it aligns with my values, or am I doing it for appearance's sake?" If your activities are more about external appearances, consider cutting back or reorienting your focus to align more closely with your true interests.
  4. Build a support network that reinforces your personal success metrics.
    Actively seek out and nurture relationships with people who understand and support your vision of success. This can include finding mentors who share your values, joining groups with similar interests, or cultivating friendships that encourage mutual growth and support.
  5. Regularly reflect on your goals as your values and circumstances evolve.
    Personal growth means your values and definitions of success can change over time. Set aside regular intervals, like every six months or annually, to reflect on your values and goals. Adjust them as necessary to ensure they continue to align with what you find fulfilling and meaningful. This reflection can be aided by journaling or discussions with a trusted mentor or coach.
  6. Maintain a balanced lifestyle that supports both your professional and personal goals.
    Strive for a balanced routine that caters to both your career ambitions and personal well-being. This balance could mean scheduling specific times for work-related tasks, engaging in hobbies you love, exercising regularly, and spending quality time with family and friends. Periodically review how you're spending your time to ensure that your activities are nurturing all aspects of your life, helping you to maintain a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle.


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