Deal with your worries to clear your head


  1. List up to 5 things you are currently worried or anxious about.
    For each one, ask yourself: Am I in danger right now? Does this present a threat of pain or death? Use this exercise to learn to discern fear from worry.

  2. State or describe your worries clearly and concisely,
    “I’m anxious about…” Write them down or speak them out loud to yourself or a friend.

  3. Ask the key question: “How does this worry serve me?”
    It could be an expression of care for someone or something, or the result of uncertainty in the future, or it may be keeping you from actually doing something about a situation (since you can just worry about it instead).

  4. Prioritize those worries that can be acted on.
    Make an action plan and follow through with it.

  5. If nothing can be done, think about whether you can let that worry go and free yourself.


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