Explore your local growers


  1. Buy from farmer’s markets.
    The foods at a farmer’s market are fresh and nutritious, and every dollar goes directly to the farmers. By buying from farmer’s markets, you are supporting people who believe in the health of the ecosystem, the animals, and your health.

  2. Go to eatwild.com.
    You can find farmers selling pastured meat (grass-fed) and milk in your area. Buy ideally both organic and local.

  3. Learn about the local and seasonal movements.
    Learn what grows and when in your area. Buy like this is not only healthier as your body gets what it needs for the season but also builds a local economy.

  4. Connect with the Slow Food! Movement.
    The Slow Food movement started as opt-out of the precipitation of the fast-food industry. It supports local, seasonal, organic eating.

  5. Encourage your family and friends to join a CSA with you.
    CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. These are local farms that people “join” for a few hundred dollars a year. In return, they get a weekly box of fresh produce during the growing seasons.


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