Find ways to show appreciation for the good that others do


  1. Make your praise spontaneous
    When you notice someone doing something praiseworthy, give them the recognition they deserve on the spot. Tell them: “I saw what you did and I appreciate your effort.” This is more impactful than waiting to give recognition during a scheduled feedback session.

  2. Offer recognition frequently rather than waiting for special events
    Offer praise to the star performers in your company on a daily or weekly basis rather than waiting for the Employee of the Month/Year awards.

  3. Tailor the reward to fit the specific achievement or behavior
    If an employee successfully provides a client with a customized solution, reward them with a coffee machine that can create customized cups of coffee. If an employee shows curiosity about a client’s problem, reward them with tickets to explore the Egyptian pyramids or the Amazon forest.

  4. Deliver the recognition in person
    Write a letter of gratitude to the person whom you want to praise. Be authentic and personalize your praise to ensure that the person feels your gratitude.


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