Handle your feelings appropriately.

Not properly dealing with your emotions can cause you to bottle them up. This allows them to fester, which takes a toll on both your mental and physical health. Learn to appropriately process and deal with your emotions, and you will be a lot more relaxed and happy.


  1. Handle your feelings of discomfort or frustration appropriately.
    Think about what you really want out of your current situation. Then, try using a different approach to achieve your desired results. Ask your family and friends for advice—they might be able to see something you don’t.

  2. Handle your feelings of fear appropriately.
    Identify what exactly you are feeling fearful about, and think about how exactly you can prepare yourself to mentally handle it. Then, decide what you are going to do to deal with the situation in the best possible way. Have faith in yourself, and know that you are well-prepared for the situation you fear.

  3. Handle your feelings of hurt appropriately.
    Realize that you have truly not lost anything, that it is just your perception. Then, re-evaluate the situation and try to objectively see just how big of a problem there is.
    Lastly, and most importantly, be sure to communicate your feelings to the person who triggered the emotion of hurt in you. Be polite and respectful so as to facilitate a proper discussion, and you will feel much better afterward.

  4. Handle your feelings of anger appropriately.
    First open yourself up to the possibility that it was just a misunderstanding, or even if it wasn’t, accept that your rules are your rules, and that the people around you do not have to follow them.
    Instead of staying angry, consider what you can learn from the experience and also how you can communicate your feelings in an appropriate manner to the person you are angry at.

  5. Handle your feelings of disappointment appropriately.
    First learn from your mistakes. What can you do next time to avoid ending up in the same situation? Then, set a new goal for yourself. Make sure this new goal is inspiring and achievable. Start working toward it immediately.
    Don’t let the feeling of disappointment keep you from trying again!

  6. Handle your feelings of guilt appropriately.
    Accept your guilt instead of denying and suppressing it.
    Then, make a promise to yourself that you will never repeat the behavior that caused you to feel guilt ever again. This is a promise you must fully commit to. Think about the situation that brought you to the emotional state you are in now, and come up with different ways of dealing with it.

  7. Handle your feelings of inadequacy appropriately.
    Understand that the rule you have to determine whether you’re inadequate or not may not be fair. Think about whether your perception of yourself—and the situation—is accurate, and whether you truly are inadequate or not.
    If your emotion is justified, realize that this emotion is encouraging you to improve. Find someone who is skilled in the area you are not, and ask them to teach you how to do better.

  8. Handle your overwhelming feelings appropriately.
    Single out the most important thing for you to focus on. Then, write down and prioritize all the other things you have to accomplish. Work down your list, and complete each task one by one.
    Focus on what you can control!

  9. Handle your feelings of loneliness appropriately.
    Identify what type of connection you need—is it romantic, sexual, platonic, etc.?
    Remind yourself that you only feel lonely because you truly love to be around people, so all you need to do is take a step forward and connect with someone. Then, do it.


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