Strategize for impactful social selling


  1. Select the most suitable social media platform.. Identify the online platforms where your target audience spends their time. This step is critical as your social media efforts should be concentrated on the platforms frequented by your prospects. Research different social media platforms to determine which ones align with your audience.
  2. Establish clear objectives for social selling. Define your goals and what you aim to achieve through your social media presence. This may include objectives such as building personal branding, engaging in inbound prospecting, raising awareness of trigger events, conducting research and gathering information, implementing strategic prospecting campaigns, and executing outbound prospecting.
  3. Engage with prospects. Send connection requests to prospects you have previously sold to, as well as those with whom you have had conversations but were unable to close a deal. Foster ongoing communication to stay top of mind and explore potential future opportunities.
  4. Enhance your personal branding. Ensure that your online profiles effectively convey familiarity and trust to potential customers. Your profiles should accurately represent your professional identity and leave a positive first impression.
  5. Revamp your social media profiles. Ensure that your social media profiles are complete and up-to-date. This includes having a professional headshot and cover image, a compelling bio, relevant contact information, cross-links to other profiles and content, and, if possible, a custom URL. Regularly review and improve your online profiles, aiming to update them at least once a quarter.
  6. Build familiarity through consistent engagement. Maintain a regular and active presence on social media platforms. Interact with potential customers by liking, sharing, and commenting on their posts, as well as engaging with content they find interesting. Consistent interaction over time builds trust and comfort between you and your prospects.
  7. Share relevant and engaging content. Regularly post content that resonates with your prospects, providing value and capturing their interest. This content can be related to your industry, educational material, or even entertaining content that aligns with your audience's preferences.
  8. Attract inbound leads. Utilize social media to share and publish content that helps prospects solve problems or find answers to their questions. Position yourself as an expert in your field, attracting prospects who seek further information or assistance.
  9. Utilize social media prospecting tools. Leverage the appropriate tools for social prospecting to streamline your efforts and focus on high-value activities. These tools can include content curation, content creation, distribution, engagement, and intelligence tools. While some tools offer free access, be prepared to invest in more comprehensive features. Your company may also provide certain tools to support your social selling efforts.


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