Have meaningful goals.


  1. Grab a pen and paper.
    You can also do this in your journal.

  2. Write down one ultimate goal you want to achieve in life.

  3. Clearly define that ultimate goal.
    Don't say: "I want to have a better life." Be concrete. For example: "I want a new Volvo."

  4. Write down the results you hope to see after achieving that ultimate goal.

  5. Make sure it is realistic and logical.
    Do you really think it is achievable? Low goals may produce low performance, and unrealistic goals may cause people to cheat. Lucius Annaeus Seneca said we should: "Never work either for useless goals or impossible ones."

  6. Write down how you would measure your progress toward that goal.

  7. Reflect further on your goals by answering these questions:
     - Is that goal tailored to your individual needs?
     - Is that goal subject to change?

  8. Set a target date for achieving that ultimate goal.


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