Help others with what matters the most


  1. Give to givers.
    Focus on giving on those who are likely to pay your generosity forward rather than those who seem to take and contribute little.
  2. Feed your network first.
    Prioritize addressing and nurturing the needs of people within your own social networks.
  3. Schedule time for giving.
    For example, set a time in your diary for answering questions, and requests and giving recommendations to others. This will ensure that you still focus enough time and energy on your own work and projects.
  4. Stay in touch.
    Having already organized your contacts into categories, make a note of how often you contact them. For example, number 1 could be allocated to those you contact at least once a month, 2 for quarterly, and 3 for annual catch-ups. This will help to make sure you don’t lose touch.


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