Identify enjoyable activities that can motivate you to exercise more


  1. Take every opportunity to move your body.
    During the day, identify any activities that enable you to move your body. For example, you can engage in house cleaning, gardening, or even walking around your yard. Move in any way possible, at whatever speed you like, and for any amount of time. Ensure that the activity is something that makes you feel good instead of forcing yourself to do things you don’t enjoy.

  2. Create a personal projects list.
    Think about and write down the five most important personal projects you’re currently engaging in or considering. These can be any activities, goals, tasks, or concerns you may have daily. For example, it may be learning to play the piano, getting a promotion, becoming a better parent, reading a book, or traveling. Creating a personal projects list can connect you deeper to who you are and show you the things you care the most about.

  3. Substitute a future reward for a more immediate one.
    Instead of exercising today to gain a future reward such as “improved heart health,” choose a positive outcome you can experience immediately. For example, you can decide to walk around the block and then reward yourself by watching your favorite movie series. This way, you can convert walking from a chore to a gift.


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