Learn whether you are a Type X or Type I kind of person.

Type I’s tend to have better physical and mental health than Type X’s, as Type I behavior promotes autonomy and self-esteem. Furthermore, those with Type I behavior nearly always outperform those with Type X behavior in the long term, even if they may seem to lag behind in the short term. 

Think about your motivation as a resource. If you use an external resource, such as coal, to keep the fires of your motivation burning, you will one day come to realize that it has all run out. However, if you use an internal resource, you will realize that it is endlessly renewable.

The good news is that Type I behavior isn’t something you’re born with; rather, it is something you can develop with practice!


1. Identify whether you exhibit Type X or Type I behavior.
Type X behavior is fueled primarily by external desires; individuals exhibiting this type of behavior are typically motivated by the external rewards of a task. 
Type I behavior is fueled primarily by intrinsic desires; individuals exhibiting this type of behavior are typically motivated by the inherent satisfaction of an activity.
To identify whether you exhibit Type X or Type I behavior, think about what motivates and energizes you on a daily basis. Why do you get out of bed in the morning?


Take action!

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