Lessen financial worries.
Any sort of worry contributes to an increase in unhappiness, so follow these rules to ensure you don’t have to worry about money.
Come up with a reasonable budget that fits your needs.
Learn to spend wisely, to get actual value for your money. Understand that a rise in income does not mean you should raise the amount you spend—this will create problems in the future. Save your extra money for a rainy day instead. -
Build your credit up.
When you opt for life-insurance policies, Defence Bonds, etc., make sure to opt for the policies that have a savings aspect if you want to borrow on them. -
Do your best to protect yourself against illness, fire, and emergencies.
The bills for these can run quite high. -
Don’t ever gamble.
Sure, you could win a lot of money, but you could also lose everything you own.