Liberate your team


  1. Speak less and listen more.
    Create space for others to share what they know. You might learn something yourself.

  2. Level the playing field.
    Amplify the voices of those who are closest to the real issues. Give an advantage to their ideas as they’re often shut down for being on the lower end of the playing field. Ask questions and invite the most junior people to express their ideas.

  3. Distinguish the best work from outcomes.
    Stress is created when people are expected to produce outcomes beyond their control. But they feel positive pressure when they’re held to their best work. So, be reasonable in your expectations but insist on high standards.

  4. Admit and share mistakes.
    Talk up your mistakes. Your acknowledgment of your mistakes, as a leader, will give others permission to admit theirs.

  5. Insist on learning from them.
    Insist on getting feedback from your team after something goes evidently wrong. Let them feel free to diagnose the situation and learn from the setbacks.


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