Liberate yourself from karma by being consciously involved in the present


  1. From this moment onward, be consciously involved with everything around you.
    The food you eat, the water you drink, and the people around you.

  2. If you find this difficult, think of a person whose presence evokes the noblest and sweetest emotions within you.
    It could be a person living or dead, Jesus or Buddha, or anyone else you value most highly in your life.

  3. Try to look at everyone and everything around you with the same gaze.
    This takes practice, and it is hard to sustain at first.

  4. Set hourly reminders on your cell phone to remind you.
    A simple chant, mantra, or tune will help establish the practice.

  5. Be equally involved with everything without any distinction
    Drop all hierarchies and bonds. Whether God or a frog comes before you, give the same involvement. It may seem challenging at the start.

  6. Check how you feel after twenty-four hours of consistent practice
    You are becoming an unimaginably blissful human being.


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