Manage comments on your social media profiles
Learn how to monitor comments on Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.
The first five platforms organize the discussion, so you can easily go to your post and see if there are any comments after you share it. Twitter is a bit different. Here you need to set up a search for your name to monitor comments regarding your posts. Twitter also offers advanced search options. -
Mention people.
A hashtag allows you to share a topic. But, when you want that specific audience to see your comment, add @ before their name. For example, @Audi (on Facebook and Twitter) and +Audi on Google+. -
Write to everybody.
Even though you probably have your target audience, many more people might read and comment on your posts. So, when creating content, remember that you write for a bigger crowd than you think. -
Don’t judge too soon.
It’s easy to misinterpret social media posts or comments. People can be sarcastic, and you end up being oversensitive. -
Be flexible.
Many people are watching, so you can’t allow yourself to be anxious about one or two comments. Be a gentleman. Or, in the end, agree to disagree. Sometimes it’s just not worth the effort to argue. -
Know what to ask.
Get used to the combination of certainty and ignorance on social media. Ask the right questions. -
Go three rounds of engaging with your audience.
Share a post. Let people comment. Respond to that. They comment again. That’s it. Go three rounds. -
Don’t hesitate to ignore, delete, block or report trolls and spammers.
Life’s too short to spend precious time on them.