Leave places that no longer serve you


  1. Identify what no longer serves you.
    Reflect on aspects of your life that feel more draining than enriching. This could be a job, a study program, or even personal relationships. Ask yourself: Does this situation align with my long-term goals and values? If the answer is no, it may be time to consider leaving.
  2. Embrace uncertainty as a part of your growth.
    Start viewing uncertainty not as a threat, but as a fertile ground for growth. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone at least once a week. This could be trying a new hobby, learning a new skill, or simply taking a different route to work. Notice how it makes you feel and what you learn from the experience.
  3. Develop a quitting framework.
    Create your own quitting criteria based on what truly matters to you. This might involve setting specific personal or professional boundaries, identifying non-negotiable values, or recognizing signs of a toxic environment. Keep this framework handy and refer to it when faced with difficult decisions.
  4. Cultivate self-faith.
    Build confidence in your decision-making abilities by recalling past successes. Every evening, jot down at least one decision you made that day that you're proud of. It doesn't have to be monumental—small victories count too. This practice can gradually strengthen your belief in your own judgment.
  5. Deal with uncertainty even without a clear plan. Give yourself permission to take steps forward even without a complete plan in place. Start with small, manageable actions that move you in the direction you want to go. For example, if you're considering a career change but don't know where to start, begin by researching industries of interest or talking to people in those fields.


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