Simplify decision-making


  1. Adopt the 'satisficing' strategy for minor decisions.
    When faced with small decisions, like choosing what clothes to wear or what breakfast to eat, aim to make a choice that is "good enough" rather than perfect. The concept of 'satisficing' helps you make quick decisions on matters that have minimal impact on your overall well-being. For example, instead of comparing all available options, choose the first one that meets your basic criteria. Ask yourself, "Does this meet my needs right now?" If the answer is yes, go with it and move on.
  2. Organize your environment to reduce decision-making.
    Simplify your living and workspaces to decrease the number of choices you face daily. A clutter-free environment means fewer decisions about what to use or where things belong. Designate specific places for frequently used items like keys, glasses, or remotes. This reduces the time spent deciding where things go or where to find them. Reflect on what items you use daily and make them easily accessible to streamline your routines.
  3. Use technology to automate routine tasks.
    Utilize apps and technology to handle decisions that don't require personal input. Set up automatic payments for bills, subscribe to a meal delivery service, or arrange for groceries to be delivered at regular intervals. These automations help you avoid the mental load of recurring decisions. Consider what routine decisions take up your time and look for technological solutions to handle them.
  4. Prioritize your day with a to-do list.
    Start each day or the evening before by listing what you need to accomplish. Organize these tasks by their importance and urgency. This prioritization helps you allocate your decision-making energy to tasks that are most impactful.
  5. Delegate or outsource decisions.
    Whenever feasible, pass on less critical decisions to others or use services designed to simplify choices. If shopping feels overwhelming, consider employing a styling service or opting for a grocery delivery service that offers pre-set meal plans. Delegating these decisions can dramatically reduce your decision-making load and free up mental energy for more important tasks.


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