Master your mind


  1. Set aside at least 10 minutes for focused reflection every day.
    Dedicate time to sit in silence and reflect on your life. Ask yourself, “What are the things I like to do?” and “How can I introduce a small change in my life today?” Write your answers down at the end of the 10 minutes.

  2. Envision your dreams becoming reality.
    List down your dreams and sit in silence for a few minutes. Visualize them turning to reality. This will inspire you to direct your energy towards the achievement of these goals.

  3. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
    As soon as you are aware of a negative thought, take a deep breath and ease your way into thinking of a possible positive outcome, emotion, or attitude towards your situation. Then, let it all go.
    For example, let’s say you’ve come across an annoying co-worker. Take a deep breath and replace the emotion of annoyance with one of patience.


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