Optimize your creative output through the seven mental states


  1. Immerse yourself in the topic.
    Begin by fully understanding the problem you’re trying to solve. Gather data from various sources and explore different viewpoints. For instance, if you’re writing an article, read relevant books, articles, and studies, and take comprehensive notes. This will provide a solid foundation for your creative work.
  2. Allow time for incubation.
    After gathering information, step away from the problem to let your subconscious mind work on it. Engage in different activities like taking a walk, exercising, or enjoying a hobby. This break can help new ideas form without conscious effort.
  3. Stay alert for moments of illumination.
    Be prepared for sudden insights that often come when you’re not actively thinking about the problem. Keep a notepad or a note app on your phone handy to capture any ideas that arise while you’re doing other activities, such as cooking or driving.
  4. Critically verify your ideas.
    Once you have an idea, take the time to refine and assess it. Review your work for accuracy, clarity, and coherence. For example, if you’ve written a draft, read it aloud to catch mistakes and improve flow, or ask a friend for feedback.
  5. Revisit and refine as needed.
    Understand that creativity isn’t a linear process. You might need to revisit previous stages or cycle through them multiple times. For instance, if feedback highlights gaps in your work, return to the preparation stage to gather more information or take another break for incubation.
  6. Manage administrative tasks efficiently.
    Take care of the day-to-day details that support your creative work. This includes tasks like invoicing clients, reviewing legal documents, or managing your workspace. These tasks are essential but shouldn’t consume your best creative energy.
  7. Recharge regularly.
    Ensure you have the energy to be creative by taking time to rest and relax. This includes getting enough sleep, taking breaks, and engaging in activities that rejuvenate you. For example, you might find that a short walk, a hobby, or a cup of tea helps refresh your mind.


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