Organize yourself and your life


  1. Set realistic goals and challenges.
    Decide your most authentic goals for you, both long-term and short-term, and make them actionable, measurable, and timely. Set a specific and realistic target date to get them done and track your progress in a journal.

  2. Make lists of things you need to get done in a day, month, or year.
    Write them down on paper or type them in your note app, keeping it simple, manageable, and setting deadlines. Prioritize your tasks and organize them around a purpose (personal or work lists). Reward yourself at the end of the day by keeping track of how much you achieved.

  3. Concentrate on one thing at a time.
    Create a quiet workspace, evaluate your peak focus times, and monitor your intrusive thoughts. This will make you finish the job faster, deliver better quality and achieve more tasks.

  4. Take regular, short breaks.
    Schedule breaks every forty minutes of work to help eliminate a drop in productivity. Turn off work and problems and make breaks enjoyable: take a walk or nap, read, listen to music or call a friend.

  5. Set time limits to your work.
    Set time limits that are appropriate to the task. Set the timer and work until the alarm rings whenever you begin a task with a time limit. Be consistent and limit the amount you spend on unproductive phone calls or meetings.

  6. Minimize your screen time.
    Find out how much screen time you consume every day and set a goal of cutting it by 25% a week. Stop using your phone when you are in the company of others, put limits on social media platforms, delete unnecessary accounts and create technology-free zones at home.

  7. Make travel a priority.
    Get out of town once in a while, even for the weekend. You can visit a new city or country, try local foods, explore nature, visit popular local spots, and detach from your phone and work.

  8. Declutter your space.
    Get rid of the things you don’t and make a list of things you keep. Find a proper space for everything. If you keep the stuff you don’t use daily, organize them in a specific drawer.

  9. Schedule your activities in a planner.
    Make a schedule of your daily activities and set specific timeframes in which you have to do it. Include your showers, meals, daily exercise, appointments, meetings, and make time dedicated to yourself.

  10. Practice setting daily intentions.
    Having daily activities concentrated on your goal gets you closer to achieving them. If your goal is to lose weight, starting the day with a balanced breakfast and a workout is better than sleeping in. Share your goals with your friends and family to keep you more accountable for your actions.


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