Overcome Key Organizational Hurdles to Execute the Blue Ocean Strategy


  1. Identify the cognitive hurdle.
    The first step is to identify the areas where individuals in the organization are resistant to change. This could be a lack of understanding of the new strategy, a fear of change, or simply a difference in opinion. Understanding the root cause of the cognitive hurdle is crucial in overcoming it.
  2. Create a direct experience:
    Once the cognitive hurdle has been identified, leaders can create a direct experience for individuals in the organization to help shift their perspective. This could be through hands-on demonstrations, simulations, or other interactive activities.
  3. Demonstrate the consequences.
    Leaders can also demonstrate the negative consequences of not implementing a certain change or strategy. For example, if you want to show them the consequences of not executing the blue ocean strategy, you may use presentations, case studies, or other evidence that highlights the risks and drawbacks of not taking action.
  4. Focus on factors of disproportionate influence.
    Tipping point leaders should focus on the elements that have the greatest impact in the organization, such as key influencers or decision-makers, to help overcome the cognitive hurdle. By focusing on these factors, leaders can help shift the mindsets of those in the organization more effectively.
  5. Maintain a single-minded focus. Finally, it is important for leaders to maintain a single-minded focus on the objectives of implementing a certain change or strategy, even when faced with resistance or obstacles. By staying committed to the goals and staying focused on the desired outcomes, leaders can help overcome all the hurdles to successful implementation.


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