Overcome your anxieties - live like things have already gone wrong


  1. Next time you want to do something new, watch your thoughts.
    “I can’t do this.” “I’ll mess up everything.” “They’ll laugh at me.” These thoughts are the ones holding you back - not your capability.

  2. Ask yourself, “What could go wrong?”
    Imagine the obstacles that could pop up. How would you solve them? By considering what could happen next, you will be more prepared when things go off track.

  3. Assume that you really messed up and lost everything, then live like that.
    Imagine, for example, that you lost your money or got robbed while traveling, and your clothes are gone.
    Eat for less than $3 a day for a week. Try fasting for a day or two. Wear old dirty clothes. Spend a month on a tight budget. If you’re hardcore, spend a night under a bridge.

  4. Ask yourself after these experiments: is this what I was afraid of?
    Here you can realize you don’t need that much to be happy. You don’t need that fancy car, a six-figure salary, or that mansion. All you need are the essentials for living. As long as you have them, nothing can go wrong – only in your head.


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