Practice breath holds to simulate high-altitude training
This exercise is only recommended for those in excellent health and physical condition with a BOLT score greater than 30 seconds.
Practice on an empty stomach, at least 3 hours after eating.
Use a high-quality pulse oximeter while performing this exercise to ensure your oxygen saturation reduces below 94% but does not go below 80%.
Begin to walk around. Then exhale gently and hold your breath for 40-60 paces, or until you feel a medium to strong air shortage.
Take a small ‘sip’ of air in and out through your nose—about 10% of a normal breath.
Hold your breath again for 5-10 paces.
Repeat steps 5-7 for 1-2 minutes.
Relax into the breath hold as much as you can. The aim is to challenge but not stress yourself.
Your diaphragm may contract repeatedly as you continue. -
Monitor your oxygen saturation to be sure it does not drop below 80% at any point.
If the air shortage becomes too great, take a slightly larger breath and continue to relax, or stop the exercise entirely.
Always listen to your body.