Fill your product backlog


  1. Collaboratively fill the product backlog.
    Start with the product idea, vision, or roadmap and brainstorm the items needed to bring the product to life. Work together with the product owner, Scrum Master, team, and stakeholders to ensure everyone's input is considered.
  2. Identify and describe new items.
    Determine what your customers need and list out both functional and non-functional requirements, as well as any other tasks required to bring the product to life.
  3. Rank the product backlog.
    Prioritize the product backlog based on importance, with the most important items at the top. Estimate the size of the items in story points or ideal days to help prioritize them and plan the release. This ensures that the team is working on the most valuable items first.
  4. Implement the top-priority items.
    Begin development by working on the most important and highest-priority items in the product backlog. This ensures that you're delivering value to customers as quickly as possible.
  5. Update the product backlog regularly.
    Change or remove existing items as needed to ensure the product backlog stays updated, relevant and useful.
  6. Release product increments often.
    Releasing product increments frequently allows you to gather feedback from customers and users, which can help inform future development decisions. This also helps reduce risks and get your product to market faster.
  7. Reevaluate and refine the product backlog as necessary.
    Regularly evaluate the product backlog and determine if there are any items that can be removed or if new items need to be added. Aim for simplicity, prioritize and refine the backlog, and strive for order to ensure the product remains focused and effective.


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