Promote systemic change to take back our focus


  1. Promote awareness of these issues and seek to initiate systemic change.
    Find ways to talk about these issues we are collectively facing. Seek to initiate systemic change by voting for leaders who are aware of these issues. Write to governmental leaders and address these issues. Let your voice be heard by voting for regulations on the industries stealing your focus.
  2. Find ways you can lighten your workload.
    Seek out ways that you can work less. Discuss with your employer the possibility of trying a four-day workweek. Ask for a trial run at it to see if you can remain at the same level of productivity. Tell your employer that you need to be free from work while at home and ought not to be expected to be responding to emails after hours constantly.
  3. Be aware of what you are putting in your body (and your children’s).
    Avoid processed foods that contain lots of toxins. Instead, opt for whole foods, which are found around the edges of the grocery store.
  4. Let your children play.
    Give your kids the opportunity to play freely with other children without the structuring provided by adults. Let them build forts, climb trees, put on costumes, and make up new games. Don’t allow them to be on screens for most of their time at home. Send them out to play.


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