Put intention to work for and with you


  1. Respect yourself.
    Foster your self-respect by making eye contact in the mirror and saying “I love me” as often as you can each day. Affirm to yourself: “I’m not my body. I’m not my accumulations. I’m not my achievements. I’m not my reputation. I am whole and perfect as I was created!” Remember, as you extend more respect toward others and to all life, you will be all the more inclined to give yourself respect.
  2. Follow your purpose.
    Affirm that you exist within a system defined by intelligence and intention; therefore, you are not here by accident! You have a purpose. You may not have a specific picture of what it is yet, but as you align with the faces of intention and seek to serve others, trust that intention will unfold its specific purpose for you in life.
  3. Attract peace into your relationships.
    Bring peace into strained relationships by embodying that peace in your words and actions. Act as if that peace was already there within the relationship. Affirm to yourself: “I attract only peace into my life.” Don’t allow the behavior of others to disrupt your peaceful state.
  4. Stay connected to the spirit of abundance.
    The source is unlimited and all-providing from a place of never-ending abundance. Stay in a vibrational match with the source by viewing the world from this perspective and affirming to yourself, “I attract success and abundance into my life because that is who I am.” Imagine your desired end state and act as if it already exists in spirit.
  5. Free yourself from stress.
    Monitor your thinking for thought patterns that resist the tranquility of the spirit of intention. It is not circumstances that create stress so much as our thought reactions to them. Make a conscious decision to activate good feelings. Declare, “I want to feel good.” Remind yourself not to take yourself too seriously and just go with the flow of life as unfolded by intention.
  6. Attract ideal people into your life.
    Tap into the power of intention by visualizing the invisible energy that connects you with all people and that energy drawing the right people and relationships into your life. Act as if every encounter is divinely ordained and part of intention’s unfolding plan for you. Embody the characteristics of the kind of person you want to attract.
  7. Stay in contact with the intention’s healing energy.
    Know and visualize that the intention’s energy of perfect health surrounds you. As you raise your energetic vibration higher, you strengthen your immune system and overall physical well-being. Detach from ideas of illness, and know that you are whole, complete, and perfect in spirit. In this mental place, you can allow health to flow into your life from the field of intention.
  8. Embrace your inner genius.
    Affirm your creative genius as you emanate from the field of intention. Listen to the creative insights and inspirations that stir within your heart, recognizing them as coming from the field. Take definitive action in bringing these insights within your imagination to reality, trusting that the energy of intention will manifest what is needed along the way.


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