Raise marketing awareness across your entire staff team
Introduce a Marketing Roundtable – Select staff to join an internal committee that meets regularly to discuss marketing issues and boost marketing awareness.
Routinely Educate – Implement routine, scheduled education practices for all staff:
- Deliver orientation on marketing steps, including ideal target client description, marketing purpose, talking logo, core message and marketing kit.
- Enhance the employee manual by including the marketing core message and marketing materials.
- Hold quarterly all-staff meetings and allow your marketing roundtable to present current marketing initiatives and results.
- Practice creating talking logos across sessions involving all staff.
- Deliver telephone training to ensure your core message is represented and communicated utilising a script or via practice sessions. -
Establish a Marketing Board of Directors – Create a board comprising of clients, vendors, partners and community members to meet quarterly and review marketing plans and progress.
Plan a Marketing Kick-off Event – Organise an all-staff event to launch your marketing training and education programme.