Reign in extreme Red behavior


  1. Avoid getting into details.
    Red people get bored by lots of fine details. They want you to get to the point quickly; you can just circle back to the details later if they need them. Always be direct to hold their attention.
  2. Warn them against acting too quickly.
    Reds tend to act quickly without thinking too much about the consequences. When you see this happening, you need to measure that behavior by warning them against rash decisions and presenting alternatives.
  3. Back yourself up with examples.
    When you warn them against acting quickly or presenting them with new ideas, they won’t take your opinion at face value. You need to back yourself up with examples and facts. Give them specific examples of times in the past when similar ideas have failed.
  4. Confront anger immediately.
    If a Red person gets angry, confront this behavior immediately. Make it clear that you won’t tolerate offensive language and hurtful remarks. If you don’t draw a clear line in the sand, their behavior will only get worse.


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