Replace your money-limiting beliefs


  1. Make a list of all the beliefs you have about money.
    Is money hard to come by? Do the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer? How do you think money should be spent, saved, or invested?

  2. Identify the myths among them.
    Challenge yourself to find out the truth about what you believe about money. The fact that everyone says and believes them doesn’t make them true.

  3. Replace the myths with truths.
    Tell yourself the truth and believe it instead. For example, replacing the belief that “there’s not enough to go around” with “we live in a world of abundance.”

  4. Change your habits to match your new beliefs.
    Replace the old habits that drove your limiting beliefs about money with new ones that’ll affirm your new abundance beliefs. Give more, invest more, seek out passive income streams, and get more financial educatio


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