Safeguard your mind from wandering


  1. Question whether your tasks are complex or difficult enough
    If you struggle to become immersed in your daily work, reflect on whether your workload is challenging enough. Also, ask yourself whether your job takes full advantage of your unique skills.

  2. Increase your attentional space by meditating
    Sit upright in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Paying attention to your breath trains you to have greater control over your wandering mind. Do this daily for as many minutes as you have available.

  3. Practice mindfulness
    Choose an activity you’re engaging in and intentionally be with that experience for a minute or two. For example, as you sip your coffee, notice the smell and taste of the coffee as well as the texture of the cup. If your mind wanders, bring it back to what you were focusing on. Do this until the cup is empty.

  4. Reduce the amount of time you engage in hyperfocus until the resistance dissipates
    Instead of trying to hyperfocus on one task for an hour, start by dedicating only 5 minutes to the task. Once you can manage 5 minutes of hyperfocus, gradually increase the time until you no longer feel any mental resistance.


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