Schedule a conversation at a better time


  1. Ask, "When would be a good time to...?" when proposing something to a busy person.
    Begin your conversation by using the phrase, "When would be a good time to...?" This encourages the person you're talking to think about a specific time they can engage with your idea, product, or service, rather than dismissing it outright due to a lack of time. This approach subtly assumes that they will have time eventually, making it about scheduling rather than outright rejection. For example, you could say, "When would be a good time for you to take a closer look at this proposal?"
  2. Schedule the follow-up promptly. Once you receive a response to your initial question, act quickly to confirm the exact time and date for your next point of contact. This keeps the conversation under your control and ensures that the other person is more likely to commit to the meeting or discussion. An example of this could be, "Great, how does Thursday at 10 am work for you?"
  3. Frame follow-up conversations positively.
    At the agreed time, when you follow up or meet again, avoid asking open-ended questions like, "What did you think?" Instead, direct the conversation towards positive feedback by asking, "What do you like about it?" This shifts their focus to the positive aspects of your proposal and reduces the likelihood of negative feedback. For example, if you're discussing a project, instead of asking for general impressions, you could ask, "What aspects of the project plan stood out to you as most beneficial?"


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