Support other people’s dreams to build stronger connections
Ask questions about the dream.
This will show the other person you are interested in their dreams and their responses could also give you more insight into the dream. For example, “What’s the story behind that?”. -
Offer empathy.
It can be helpful simply to say, “I may not agree with you on this, but I can understand why this seems important to you.” Or, “Knowing you as I do, I can see why you feel this way.” -
Offer emotional support and validation.
You might say “I’m proud of you for feeling so strongly about this matter,” or “I may not be able to do this with you, but I’m behind you 100%.” -
Participate in the dream at a limited level.
For example, read about the issue, help make plans, or offer advice. -
Offer some level of financial support or other resources like child care and transportation.
Join in on the dream.
You can make the dream part of your vision by joining in it.