Surrender to all outcomes


  1. Sit with a pen and paper.
    Somewhere quiet, where you will not be disturbed

  2. Write down what you would like to say to your higher power.
    Familiarize yourself with this surrender statement. For example: “Universal mind within me, I forgive my worries, my anxieties, and my small-minded concerns, and I give them to you. I trust that you have the mind to resolve them much better than I could. Arrange the players in my world so that doors open for me. I allow you to intervene and provide a greater life in a way that is just right for me.” You don’t have to feel guilt or shame, beg or provide excuses, or make deals or promises.

  3. Close your eyes and focus on inwardly reciting your prayer.
    The more present you are, the more focused you can become.

  4. Surrender in sincerity, humility, certainty, clarity, passion, and trust.
    Get out of the way and remember that you can’t both surrender and try to control the outcome. Some people mentally open a door and pass it through, while others hand it over in a note or simply let it go.

  5. Give thanks ahead of the manifestation.
    When you do, you signal to the quantum field that your intention has already come to fruition. Thankfulness is the supreme state of receivership.

  6. Live as though your prayers have been answered!
    The universe will organize your life in a way that is just right for you.


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