Target the emotions of your audience to make them care about your idea


  1. Focus on a single story to get people to empathize with your idea
    If you want to raise funds for your local animal shelter, find a story about one animal’s suffering and how the shelter is helping them. Personalize the story with intimate details rather than broad statistics to help people emotionally connect to your cause.

  2. Emphasize the benefits of your product rather than its features
    If you’re selling a financial plan to new investors, send them an email newsletter with a headline that says, “This financial strategy can help you retire at 50!” Highlight all the benefits first instead of inundating them with the statistics and features of your strategy.

  3. Use the word “You” in your advertisements to trigger consumers' imagination
    When advertising a product, use the word “You” repeatedly. For example, you can say “If you buy this shampoo, you’ll have bouncy hair and everyone will love your new style.” This is more impactful than “This shampoo guarantees bouncy hair and a new look that everyone will love.”

  4. Change people’s behavior by crafting a message based on group identity
    If you’re struggling to get people in an area to stop littering, find a group identity and base your message on it. For example, if it’s a family-oriented neighborhood with lots of kids, show people the dangers of trash to children playing on the streets. Make it clear that “Littering is not what people in this community do.”


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