Incorporate play into your life


  1. Be curious about your surroundings.
    Take a moment each day to look at your environment with fresh eyes. Whether it's something as simple as the way light reflects off a surface or how people interact in a public space, let your natural curiosity lead you to ask questions or make observations that you normally wouldn't consider. Ask yourself questions like, "How does this item work?" "Why does it function the way it does?" Engaging in this practice can help spark creativity and renew interest in everyday experiences.
  2. Rediscover the joy of 'play' in your work.
    Reflect on what aspects of your work or hobbies you used to enjoy before they became routine or obligatory. Like Feynman, who rediscovered his love for physics by approaching it playfully, try to integrate playfulness into your tasks. This might mean changing how you approach a routine task, experimenting with new methods, or simply allowing yourself to explore aspects of your work without pressure. Ask yourself, "What would make this task more enjoyable?"
  3. Introduce 'side quests' into your daily routine.
    Choose small, exploratory projects or tasks that aren't necessarily related to your main goals but offer a sense of discovery and adventure. For instance, if you're working on a project, take a break to learn something new that's tangentially related, like a software tool that could improve your productivity or creativity.
  4. Find the fun in mundane tasks.
    Apply the 'Mary Poppins' approach by finding an element of fun in a routine chore or task. This could be as simple as playing your favorite music while doing household chores or making a game out of completing a task efficiently at work.
  5. Focus on the process over the outcome.
    Focus on enjoying the process of your activities rather than just the end results. If you're working on a project, take time to appreciate the small successes and experiments along the way, even if they don't lead to the desired outcome immediately. This approach helps maintain motivation and reduces the stress associated with achieving perfect results.


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