Use the right frame when pitching


  1. Determine the kind of frame you are pitching to.
    This will be the perspective of who you are pitching to. Is it a power frame, time frame, or analyst frame? A power frame is rooted in status and position, expecting automatic deference. A time frame is a visible sign of boredom and waning attention. The analyst frame is a deep dive into technical details, facts, figures, and problem-solving.
  2. Choose which frame to use.
    If your target audience uses a power frame, playfully deny access to demands or stop the meeting so you can position yourself as the prize. With the time frame, start wrapping up the presentation as if you have somewhere else to be and your time is valuable. With the analyst frame, provide summary details with the highest level of information possible and then immediately share a prepared brief personal story relevant to the pitch, including risk, time pressure, and serious stakes that you create suspense around.
  3. Practice “plowing” and “frame disruption.”
    Remain calm and composed as you push ahead, fully committed to your frame, like an ox plowing a field. As the opposing frame collides with yours in an attempt to dominate, continue to move forward without stopping. When the opposing frame escalates to the grab for control, take an action that solidifies your total ownership of your frame as the dominant one.
  4. Establish yourself as the prize.
    From the start to the end of the pitch, make them see you as worthy of attention, money, and respect. Start with, “I’m glad I could find the time to meet with you today. And I do have another meeting right after this. Let’s get started.” Ask questions that cause the buyer to qualify themselves as worthwhile. Protect your status by withdrawing the presentation if the time, place, or participants suddenly change. Make statements rather than asking several questions. Own the attitude that money is actually useless until it purchases what you have, so the money actually needs you.


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