Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life: Flip That Switch Now!

Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life: Flip That Switch Now!

by Bob Proctor

Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life offers key insights on how to change your reality towards a life you want to live instead of a life given to you. Drawing on the author’s experience from struggle to wealth, he shares the secret of how to program yourself with the right mental and behavioral changes needed to succeed in life.

Summary Notes

Realize How the Paradigm Works

“I’m at the point where I know that when I go after something new, it’s going to cause discomfort.”

Why do some people start businesses and succeed while others fail? How can others succeed while others don’t? Some will say it’s luck, while others may ascribe it to a higher power. However, what we’re working with is within our control and power. It’s not attributed to the outside world as many would think.

What actually controls our paths to either success or failure is our paradigm. This consists of the beliefs and habits instilled deep within our unconscious minds. By unconscious, it means the behaviors that don’t require thought or are done automatically, such as driving a car or eating at a fixed time.

When you act on behaviors that don’t suit you, you fall prey to your programmed paradigm. These paradigms are usually influenced by external thoughts—those that come from our friends, family, advertisements, media, and so on. When their beliefs are repeatedly lodged in our minds, we begin to behave in ways that reflect them, making us feel stuck. This begs the question: What changes our paradigms if they are unconsciously built over time?

Simply put, it all starts with awareness. This means finding out what needs to be fixed in your life and then doing the work necessary to change it.

Actions to take

Change Your Paradigm

“Anyone can do what anyone else has done. I don’t think there’s any limit to what you’re capable of doing, but it’s strongly linked to desire.”

Paradigms can either propel us forward or hinder our progress. Since they are unconscious behaviors we engage in, paradigms can control us if we’re not aware of them.

So, if you want to have a positive and successful paradigm, you have to gain awareness and truly know yourself. If you’re unhappy in an area in your life, this reveals what has to change and where the paradigm is holding you back. However, shifting paradigms is not as easy as you may think. Sure, starting the shift just takes awareness, but continuing it actually requires taking action.

The unconscious mind is built upon repetition, imagination, and belief. Repetition fosters imagination which in turn converts into belief. Saying you’ll run a marathon doesn’t help you run a marathon. It’s actually a combination of consistently saying you’ll d it (and ultimately believing you can) and putting in the effort that will yield results.

Usually, people fail to change their paradigms due to having A or B goals. “A” goals are those you already know how to do but won’t bring you growth, such as going to the store to buy eggs. “B” goals, on the other hand, are the exact opposite of “A” goals: they are the ones that will bring you growth, but you don’t know how to do them. This stops most people from moving forward. Unfortunately, neither of these goals can help you shift your paradigms.

So instead of setting “A” or “B” goals, learn to set “C” goals instead. These goals are the loftiest and are something you’ve never done before nor know how to achieve. All you know is that you want that said result. For example, creating an international business, traveling the world, making a million dollars, etc. Basically, these goals don’t require a “how” but only a deep, undying desire for that said thing. Soon enough, what you hold in your unconscious mind will manifest into reality.

Actions to take

Make Lasting Changes to Your Paradigm

“When you can concentrate on one thing, you can concentrate on anything because you’ve strengthened your will.”

Shifting your paradigm may make you feel frustrated or want to give up at times. But this is natural. To combat the insecurity of diving into or continuing a new paradigm or habit, you must first realize that struggle is part of the journey. Without it, there will also be no growth, so accept it and take it as a sign to constantly move forward.

To help you deal with the struggle more easily, you must first build your confidence. Lack of confidence comes from not knowing how to do something. To improve it, strive to know more about the how-tos of achieving your goal and keep self-improvement as your priority. When people are trying to get you down for shifting your paradigm, simply ignore them and keep carrying on. After all, you have to focus on what you think of yourself rather than anyone else.

Actions to take

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