![The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right](https://book2action-5d2aff0.divio-media.net/filer_public/f2/b1/f2b1b3da-9190-4380-be3b-6d4006fe0982/the_checklist_manifesto__how_to_get_things_right.png)
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right
by Atul GawandeChecklists are not a new concept; they have been around for decades since pilots first started using them to ensure they followed all the necessary steps during take-off and landing. Since then, checklists have made their way into most fields - construction, medicine, the culinary arts, investment banking etc. They are the most useful way to ensure that you have taken all the necessary steps to complete a project successfully, and they take the pressure off trying to remember every little detail.
Filled with personal anecdotes and historical reviews of how checklists are a useful tool for just about anyone, The Checklist Manifesto provides a guide on how to construct a checklist to use for your tasks and projects. We have compiled all the advice from this book into a series of habits that can be easily used to create your own checklist system to help you complete projects with ease.
The Checklist
“Checklists established a higher standard of baseline performance.”
Even when we are working on tasks we have done a hundred times before, our memory is not infallible - there is a chance a few key steps may slip our mind. Creating a checklist and using it to ensure you completed your task/project properly will ensure you do not miss out any important steps.
Actions to take
The Save
“They believed in the wisdom of the group, the wisdom of making sure that multiple pairs of eyes were on a problem and then letting the watchers decide what to do.”
As projects grow more complex, there is more room for things to go wrong. Sometimes, having a normal checklist will not be enough, however, a communication checklist that ensures each member of the team is communicating their expertise with the other members will help avert most problems.
Remember, good communication between everyone working on a project is extremely important for the project to succeed.
Actions to take
Don’t just read. Act.