The Comfort Book

The Comfort Book

by Matt Haig

As we journey through life, we are bound to encounter challenges that cause us emotional and mental problems. The paradox is that, as bad as challenging moments may be, they provide the perfect opportunity to learn some of the most straightforward and comforting life lessons. This book is a collection of practical ideas to help you whenever you are at your life’s lowest point.

Summary Notes

You Are Bigger Than Your Pain

“We are always bigger than the pain we feel.”

Most of us tend to want to give up when faced with challenging situations, but learning to overcome the challenge is often the point. When you shift your mindset and separate yourself from your pain, you’ll realize that you are bigger than whatever pain you are going through. You can survive anything, and every emotion you feel will also pass.

Your experiences will constantly be changing as long as you are alive. If you continue to love yourself and hold on, you will discover little moments of happiness or humor within despair, giving you a new perspective. The most significant changes stem from the darkest experiences, and we fall apart to become new again.

Also, taking the proper steps to overcome your pain will heal you much faster. For example, reading motivational books can help you fill your mind with positivity and constructive thoughts. Sharing what you are going through with others could help you make better sense of things. Even though pain is an asshole, it can inadvertently show us how much space we have inside.

Actions to take

Living Life Forward

“You sometimes just have to let go of an old story and start your own.”

Most of us see life as one continual uphill climb or a ladder we’re trying to get to the top of. However, this means we are bound to keep climbing with no room to move around, just space to fall.

We need a shift in mindset so we can keep looking out for other ways to move forward instead of just climbing to the top. Life is not a destination to reach nor a puzzle to fix, but you must live it and keep forging ahead. This is why you must be flexible enough to change whenever you get stuck. When you are at crossroads, don't see it as falling to the bottom; instead, see it as an opportunity to turn around and find a solution. You can always improve a bad day by relaxing, exercising, and enjoying natural sunshine.

Open a new chapter instead of spending your entire life trying to win back all the opportunities you have lost. Your biggest comfort shouldn't be the reassurance that great things will happen to you, but it should be that of knowing that even in pain, sadness, or confinement, your mind can choose how to respond to life's events. After all, it is impossible to grow without struggle.

Actions to take

Valuing the Good Times

“One day, this will be over, and we will be grateful for life in ways we never felt possible.”

One of the best forms of wealth you can ever experience is to value the good times. You will probably stand again after a heavy storm, so you must hold on during challenging moments. Realize that you are not the storm itself but the one experiencing it.

The benefit of going through a plight or hard time is that they give you a strange but crucial kind of wealth; the ability to value each moment that is not spent in pain, depression, hunger, thirst, or loneliness. Happy moments are precious, so you need to hold on to them.

Problems such as anxiety, insecurity, and depression will always lurk around, but there is also always room to enjoy the present. Avoid worrying about unanswered emails, unmet goals, and unpaid bills, as all these would only take a toll on your mood. Ruining the present by worrying about the future is like burning your most treasured possessions simply because you could one day lose other things you don't yet own.

Actions to take

Living According to Your Full Potential

“Keep embracing the whole of ourselves. Keep failing.”

Each of us came into the world with a purpose. This isn't limited to working for a company or corporation; we all have unique gifts to share. Therefore, as we journey through life, we must constantly explore our potential.

Remember that it's never too late to fulfill a purpose. After all, we all have different timing. For example, it's okay to fulfill your purpose of becoming a musician in your forties even though others have realized their potential and become successful musicians in their twenties.

What matters most is that you eventually become what you can become. You must therefore keep many doors of opportunities open and continue to explore your potential, irrespective of your age. Even if you fail, rise and keep exploring instead of regretting the areas of failure.

Actions to take

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