The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness

The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness

by Bradley Nelson

The Emotion Code is viewed as “emotional surgery” because it offers tools for searching out trapped emotions with the clear intention of removing them. When an emotion becomes trapped, it’s partly because of extenuating circumstances. When our bodies are not at their best, we are more susceptible to developing trapped emotions.

Powerful healing occurs when trapped emotions are finally released. Removing trapped emotions is vital to your quality of life. By releasing your trapped emotions, you will be removing the unwanted negative energies, and helping to reestablish the free flow of energy, thus helping your body to heal itself. Your mind will return to a more natural state as well, without the drama, pain, and weight of your old emotions that blocked you from progressing in your life.

Summary Notes

Trapped Emotions

“Anyone can learn how to be free from the very real and damaging effects of trapped emotions.”

Emotions bring color to your life, but negative emotions, even old ones, might create some problems for you. Emotions are vibrations of pure energy. Since our bodies are also made out of energy, our emotions can affect us mentally, physically, and emotionally.

If you don’t process your emotions, they will get trapped in your body. Each time you trap an emotion, you get stuck in the middle of whatever traumatic event you were experiencing. And before these trapped emotions cause more damage to you, it’s important for you to recognize and remove them. When a trapped emotion is released, a burden is literally lifted.

Removing trapped emotions can often relieve pain and suffering, even in cases that would be considered hopeless by conventional medicine. About 90% of the time, physical pain can be thought of as a message from the subconscious mind.

The energy of other people’s thoughts and your own is detected to some degree on a subconscious level. The connectedness that we all have will often manifest as subtle thoughts that float up from the subconscious level to our conscious minds. When the energy of one person’s thought is directed intentionally, it can impact someone else, regardless of whether they are nearby or all the way around the world. Imagine how your own thoughts affect you.

The most ancient idea in the art of healing is that disease is caused by imbalances in the body. Trapped emotions are the most common type of imbalance human beings suffer from. They can be implicated in nearly all diseases, either directly or indirectly. Sometimes the release of a trapped emotion will have an instantaneous and dramatic effect, but most of the time, the effects are more subtle. Either way, their release often seems to bring a greater sense of contentment and peace. The results can bring balance, a new inner calm, and profound healing, even if nothing else has helped before.

Your subconscious is aware of exactly what your body needs to get well. It is actually possible to retrieve information about trapped emotions from the subconscious mind using a form of kinesiology, or muscle testing. All organisms, no matter how primitive, will respond to positive or negative stimuli. Your body will normally be drawn toward positive things or thoughts and repelled by negative things or ideas. The “Sway Test” is a muscle testing method that helps you connect with your subconscious mind and get some answers.

Actions to take

Muscle Testing Yourself

“With muscle testing, we can literally gain access to our internal computer system and find out where the imbalances are.”

Muscle testing is a way of checking the body for answers. This means you can ask questions and check if the muscle is tight-resisting or soft-loose after applying a little bit of strength to it. It is very useful and powerful for connecting with the subconscious and discovering vital information. It can tell us if trapped emotions are present in the body and let us know the moment they’ve been released.

Besides, muscle testing can also help with identifying and solving other effects these emotions have caused in our bodies. When it comes to our health, what our subconscious minds can reveal to us is vastly more significant than what we ever realize in our conscious minds.

Muscle testing is best performed lightly and delicately. What you will eventually learn to detect is a slight change in muscle strength, the difference between the muscle being “locked” and it being “mushy.” During muscle testing, you can decide how much pressure to apply and resist. Remember that applying too much pressure will make you become exhausted quickly.

To determine the proper resistance and pressure to apply, it’s important to establish a baseline every single time you want to use muscle testing for anything. You need to make sure that you are testable if you are working on yourself.

There are different muscle testing methods you can use to establish a baseline for self-testing, such as the hand solo method and the pendulum test. When trying out these methods, the main challenge is learning to allow your conscious control to recede a bit into the background, so your body can respond as it will. You have to learn how much resistance and how much pressure to use against the muscles of your own body.

Actions to take

Muscle Testing on Others

“Muscle testing provides a real window into what is going on in the mind and body.”

If you’re using muscle testing directly on another person, you need to make sure they are testable. To do this, you may try out the basic arm test or the elbow test and use them to establish a baseline for testing others. Because every person is unique, muscle testing will feel slightly different for each person you test. Getting a definite strong and weak muscle response from your subject will immediately let you know what this particular person’s muscle test feels like in both strong and weak states.

If you think your partner may be resisting too much or too little, don’t be afraid to ask them to adjust the “dimmer” by raising or lowering the percentage of their resistance power. If you sense that a person is resisting with excessive muscle strength, you might say, “Resist me gently” or “Use baby pressure.”

Nonverbal communication works with all forms of testing. The person being tested can simply think of their statement, and the result will be the same as if they had vocalized the answer to a question. By the same token, the person doing the testing can simply think of the question they want to ask the subject, and the result will be as if they had vocalized it.

Clear thoughts are very important to getting accurate tests. Keep it simple, focus on the statement or question at hand, and keep other thoughts out of your mind. Instruct the person you are testing to do the same. It is possible to influence the outcome of testing by what you are thinking, so it is really important to stay focused.

Actions to take

Releasing Trapped Emotions

“Give yourself time to heal”

Each trapped emotion must be discovered and released individually. If you’re like most people, you have a few hundred trapped emotions in your body. Most people are able to release between four and ten individual trapped emotions in one sitting or session. Some days you’ll find that you can release more, and some days only one or two. The Emotion Code honors each emotional experience.

Take a deep breath and set the intention to allow your subconscious mind to speak to you, and things will happen exactly as they are supposed to. Your subconscious mind already knows exactly what needs to be released in order to help you feel your best. Therefore, you need to trust that wisdom, follow the procedure, and embark on your beautiful healing journey.

Actions to take

Surrogate Testing and Distance Healing by Proxy

“We can do healing for others at a distance because energy does not have boundaries like our physical bodies do.”

There are two different applications of muscle testing: surrogate testing and proxy testing. Surrogate testing is applying muscle testing to a substitute to work on someone who is physically present, while proxy testing is applying muscle testing to a substitute to find and release trapped emotions from someone who is not present.

These forms of testing give you the ability to test otherwise untestable people, as well as to perform distance healing. Surrogate and proxy testing both allow you to get answers for your subject (human or animal) by doing muscle testing on your own body or on a third person.

In order to use surrogate testing, the subject must be within six feet of the surrogate. The subject may not be testable for any given reason, but we can still get answers from their subconscious mind. To get answers, we can use two different approaches: self-testing, and acting as both surrogate and tester, or asking a third person to act as the surrogate. Anyone who is testable can act as a surrogate for anyone else.

Actions to take

The Emotion Code and Animals

“They are our companions and our friends. We often come to love them as if they were another member of our family, and this is as it should be.”

Animals have feelings too. They may not be able to tell you about their feelings in words, but if you watch their behavior and get to know them, you will soon be able to recognize their subtle expressions of emotion. When emotionally upsetting events occur, animals can suffer from the effects of trapped emotions just as people can.

Releasing trapped emotions from an animal is not different from releasing trapped emotions from a human being. You will use the same Emotion Code Chart that you are already familiar with. The difference is that you will be speaking directly to the subconscious mind of the animal, instead of to the subconscious mind of a person. Everything else is the same.

When an animal develops symptoms of any kind, whether they are physical or behavioral, they may just be communicating to you that they have a trapped emotion. You now have the tools to help them on your own. Don’t be afraid to try! Just let your heart be full of love for the animal, have a prayer in your heart, have a clear intention to help them, believe that you can do it, and you will be successful.

Actions to take

Life without Trapped Emotions

“You are the author of your own emotional experiences. Making a conscious choice instead of allowing old subconscious patterns to run you is choosing to evolve and grow.”

While you may have always responded in a certain negative way to a given situation, your past negative responses do not have to be the same as your future responses. You have a choice every time you need to deal with or confront something negative. You can choose to react how you have always reacted, or you can choose differently. The past does not have to equal the future.

Every time you make a conscious choice to reroute your emotional experience and feel something positive instead, you are disrupting old programming in your subconscious mind. This may feel difficult at first, but if you keep doing it, you’ll eventually set new, positive programs in motion that make choosing positivity second nature.

Each new day, the choice is there: to feel good or bad about the things that are going on in your life. What you choose to focus on is a big factor in the happiness equation. If you choose to focus your mind on a negative event from your past and re-experience those emotions, you can actually create a new trapped emotion about that event, even long after it has happened.

We all go through difficult times, and you may not be able to avoid getting trapped emotions here and there. But you can avoid most of them by choosing to do two important things. First, remember that all your emotions have a purpose—they convey what your body, heart, and mind want and need. Next, you can also reroute your emotional choices—so if you start feeling grief for a lost loved one, for example, use it as a reminder of your love for them, and choose to focus on positive memories instead.

Set the intention now to begin learning to reroute your emotions. For now, don’t worry about rerouting your emotions during the more dramatic and traumatic events; focus on the smaller, day-to-day emotions that don’t feel so high-stakes.

Next time you feel irritated, sad, or lonely (or some other less-than-extreme emotion), take a deep breath, put everything else aside for a few minutes, and decide to dive into this rerouting exercise. Using your new knowledge and awareness of trapped emotions will help you to stop and think before letting an automatic response get the best of you, and now that you know how to reroute an emotion, you have a tool to help you slow down.

When you make the decision to shift into a state of acceptance and let go of resistance, you will find it much easier to let go of old emotions that have been hindering your progress and happiness.

Actions to take

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