Unlock It: The Master Key to Wealth, Success, and Significance

Unlock It: The Master Key to Wealth, Success, and Significance

by Dan Lok

Generally, schools don’t teach you how to increase your income and improve your financial confidence. This book will give you a deep insight into effective strategies and methods to improve your finances to ultimately show you how to find your own way to achieve wealth, success, and significance.

Summary Notes

Unlock your Wealth

“Money is nothing more than the by-product of value creation.”

There are four common myths about wealth: 

The first myth—Hustle and work harder. If working hard is the secret to success, then why aren’t garbage collectors millionaires? Rich people are rich because of the value they deliver to the marketplace, and not necessarily the amount of work they have put in.

The second myth—Start a business.  Running a business comes with it’s own set of issues - you have to think about how to grow the business, how to solve problems, and how to continuously improve. It is certainly not easy. 

The third myth—Passive Income. The word “passive”  implies that you can get something for nothing - but that’s not how the world works. Everything takes work. Even the most common passive income ideas such as investing in stocks, selling products online, and buying real estate all require some effort if you want to truly be successful. 

The fourth myth—Financial Freedom. For many people, the idea of “financial freedom” is having enough money so you don’t have to work. However, life isn’t that static - something that may have given you “financial freedom” one day could provide you with nothing the next day.

Unlock your Wealth Archetype

“You cannot become who you want to become because you are attached to what you’ve been.”

There are six common archetypes about wealth that keep people from achieving their goals: 

1. The Caged Lion. The Caged Lion is the frustrated nine-to-five employee. They are held back by fear of the unknown, fear of being inadequate, and fear of failure. The key problem is that the Caged Lion doesn’t trust its hunting skills and instead trades it for the comfort of a predictable routine.

2. The Chained Magician. The Chained Magician represents the new generation of talent who feel pressured by their parents and society. The Chained Magician’s biggest mistake is believing their magical powers can be locked away by the opinions of their others when in reality, nobody can stop them but themselves.

3. The Hustling Treasure Hunter. These are the business opportunists. They are constantly talking about a new, “ground floor opportunity” but after some time, they move on to the next best thing. The truth is, the problem lies with the person executing the plan. When someone doesn’t believe in themselves, they will create backup plans. However, the way to make an idea work is to stick to it. 

4. The Innocent Prisoner. These are the people who did well in school, followed the rules, and became successful. However, after some time has passed, they begin to feel empty inside. The Innocent Prisoner’s biggest mistake is ignoring their needs and believing that following conventional rules will bring them happiness.

5. The Castaway. These are the struggling solo entrepreneurs. They are always on the lookout for new clients just to survive. The Castaway’s biggest mistake is having no long-term sense of future certainty.

6. The Unfulfilled King/Queen.  These are the overachievers. They’ve been hustling and excelling their entire life but are always worried that their peers will outperform and strip them of the title that they worked so hard for. However, they need to understand that they can’t win the race of fulfillment running on the track of achievement.

Actions to take

Unlock your High-Income Skill

‘It’s not how much you earn; it’s how you earn money.”

A high-income skill will get you more compensation, flexibility, and happiness. These skills allow you to earn $10,000 per month or more by providing a service other people know they need, but do not know how to do themselves. High-income skills also tend to be transferable, enabling you to work in any industry. 

There are two reasons why $10,000 per month is the magic number for a high-income skill. 

Firstly, by earning $10,000 per month, you’ll be in the top 6 percent of income earners in America. 

Secondly, people tend to fluctuate when they are earning between $2,000 to $9,000 a month. However, once they earn at least $10,000 in a single month, they feel more secure and credible. They take on a new identity, a new comfort level, a new standard for what they will and will not accept in their life.

Actions to take

Unlock your Personal Power

“Most people are drowning in knowledge, yet starving for wisdom”

The seven most common invisible chains that stunt your growth are: 

1. The idea of getting rich slowly. Wealth is measured more in time than money. Let’s say you make $25,000 a year, and you made $1,000,000 in forty years. The problem isn’t that you made a million dollars; the problem is that it took you forty years to do it. So, if you want to become wealthy, do it quickly.

2. Your current self image. Most of us have an image of ourselves that has been constructed by the comments and opinions of others. More often than not, this self-image does not align with what we want in life. As we tend to act according to our self-image, you may notice you face a great deal of internal resistance when you try something new and unfamiliar. Sometimes, people may also lower their self-image to match unfortunate circumstances. 

3. Negative friends and family. This refers to people who pull you back down whenever you try for success. They tend to feel like your success is an attack on them - like you’re saying, “Hey, I came from the same place as you, and I made something of myself.” Choose to spend your time with people who add to your life, not people who take away from it. 

4. The comfort zone. Activities and situations that are non-threatening and familiar lie inside your comfort zone. However, nearly everything you’re craving will lie outside of it! 

5. Low emotional quotient. A high emotional quotient is the ability to control your emotions regardless of your environment or situation. As you go through life, you’ll realize that not many things are within your direct control. However, your emotions are.

6. Trying to save everyone. It may seem noble to give up your own needs to help others but you can’t give away what you don’t have. So, help yourself first. Take care of your own life, your income, your personal goals, and start thriving. 

7. Relying on willpower. Many people believe that if they push themselves hard enough, they will succeed no matter what. However, if you can structure your time and environment well, you’ll feel the gravitational pull toward success without needing much willpower at all.

Actions to take

Unlock your Productivity

“Time is never money. You can make more money, but you cannot make more time.”

Maximum productivity refers to achieving the greatest results in the shortest period of time. This is an art that the most successful and influential people today have mastered. There are five key principles for this: 

1. Concentrating on your outcome. When the goal is too big or far away, action steps are less clear. Breaking down your goal into smaller, actionable steps will make it easier to see how you can achieve the outcome you desire. 

2. Staying focused on the true goal. Being productive isn’t about being busy all the time. Instead, it’s about focusing on a few critical factors that greatly influence your results. Essentially, know what needs to be done and eliminate everything else.

3. Structuring your time appropriately. Script your day by intentionally blocking out time for your goals. Don't arrange your time based on what other people want from you.

4. Eliminating procrastination. We all procrastinate from time to time. Resist this urge. If you feed it, it will only continue to grow.

5. Developing the right non-negotiables. Your non-negotiables are actions you take every day no matter what. These should align with the outcomes you want to achieve.

Actions to take

Unlock your Sales

“People love to buy, but they hate to be sold.”

High-ticket closing is the unique skill of closing deals that are valued at $3,000 and above. These are large transactions that require human interaction to complete. With this skill, you can land larger clients who are willing to invest a premium price for premium results. 

There are five rules that surround high-ticket closing:

1. Do not sound like a typical salesperson. Salespeople tend to push features on you without actually understanding your problems. While this may work with smaller, less expensive deals, it certainly won’t work for more expensive ones! 

2. Talk less, listen more. When you are talking, you are not listening, and when you are not listening, you aren’t learning about what your client truly needs. If you don’t know what their needs are, you can’t help them solve their problems, and you won’t be able to sell them anything.

3. Be specific. When you ask specific questions, you will receive more detailed answers. This will help you learn more about their needs and desires.

4. Look for Level 3 Pain. When there is no pain, there is no emotional investment. When there is no emotional investment, there is no sale. Level 1 Pain is simply the main problem a prospective client arrives with. Level 2 pain is when the client begins to reveal more in-depth information about their problem. Level 3 Pain then refers to the root cause of the problem.

5. Reject bad customers. There is no need to waste your time on people who don’t want your help. When you are a high-ticket closer, you have a choice in who your clients are.

Actions to take

Unlock your Business Growth

‘Whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins.’

There are only three ways to help your business grow effectively: 

  1. Attraction. Being able to predictably and consistently attract new quality leads and generate new business

  2. Retention. Increasing the stick rate of each customer and enhancing the relationship customers have with your business.

  3. Optimization. Maximizing the value your business generates for the customer.

Most struggling businesses are weak in either one or a blend of these three pillars. However, if even one of these pillars are weak, you’re looking at an unbalanced business.

Actions to take

Unlock your Profit Margins

More is not better, better is better.’

The only thing that matters in running a business is net profit. With low-profit margins, you can’t buy the supplies you need and you can’t hire skilled and talented employees. It’s not sustainable, it’s not scalable, and it puts you in a very dangerous position. 

To raise your profit margin, you need to sell high-ticket offers at premium prices. When you charge premium prices, it becomes a better experience for your potential customers too. They are no longer looking at the price tag, instead, they are looking at the value you provide to them. When you can deliver a great buying experience, your customers will stretch to premium prices without resistance.

Actions to take

Unlock your Social Capital

“It is no longer the big fish eating the small fish, it is the fast fish eating the slow fish.”

Social capital refers to your following of people who like, trust, and support you, and who are willing and capable of buying from you. Building social capital is the key to strategically scaling your business up so you can create massive growth in revenue and profits.

There are three steps to multiply your social capital:

1. Accumulation. The goal for this step is to turn a cold audience into a warm one by building a relationship with them. In this step, you need to deliver valuable content to them. Once they consume your content, they will be primed for the next step. 

2. Conversion. The goal for this step is to get a commitment from the prospect. It’s easy to identify who has seen your content on social media platforms. Once you know who these people are, put ads in front of them. 

3. Retargeting. The first objective of retargeting is to stay at the front of your clients’ minds. When your audience sees you multiple times, they begin to like you, which will automatically generate more sales. The second objective is to reach potential clients who do not convert immediately. These people may have objections, doubts, or questions that are unanswered. With retargeting, you’ll target these objections and compel them to buy your service.

Actions to take

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